Rocket Fund celebrated its 9th year by selecting nine outstanding recipients from a strong cohort of 142 applicants representing 18 states and 22 countries. Over 40 experts drawn from California utilities, DOE labs, investment groups, and Rocket Fund members contributed their expertise in identifying innovators in such diverse sectors as green industrial manufacture, carbon dioxide sequestration, green hydrogen production and refrigerant-free cold chain transportation.
EVmatch, Inc. is a UCSB Bren School spinout. The company’s latest product, the EVmatch Adapter, is a device that provides electric vehicle supply equipment(EVSE) with networking capabilities that enable real-time monitoring, control, reporting, and diagnostics. Built on technology licensed from Argonne National Laboratory, the EVmatch Adapter is brand agnostic and SAE J1772™-compatible. It provides utilities with a one-size-fits-all solution to transform existing and future Level 2 EVSE into smart devices – an increasingly important element in unlocking demand-side management resources and allowing for increased renewable energy integration. The Rocket Fund award will enable design finalization for manufacturing and development of four production-grade prototypes for UL testing.