The Garage serves startup businesses at UCSB with mentorship and educational programs, co-working and meeting space, and access to a network of business and financial resources. It is designed to improve startup success, enhance UCSB’s technology transfer productivity, provide support for entrepreneurial students, faculty, and alumni, create jobs, and encourage philanthropy.

The Garage serves as the hub for a wide range of experiential programming, providing a valuable extension to the world-class interdisciplinary research and strong entrepreneurial programs at UCSB. One of the foundational programs of the Garage is the G2 Summer Launchpad, a startup accelerator designed to facilitate the transition from ideation and business model development, to product commercialization and business launch. The Garage occupies 1,500 square feet on the first floor of the Alumni Association’s Mosher House at UCSB.

Contact: Dave Adornetto